• icon Plot 4 Ndinya Rd, Maluku - Mbale
  • iconharshtonjrschool@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 7am to 6pm

Daycare, Nursery and Primary

Need Help? call us on

+256 784 025711
+256 752 449967
+256 777 217271



News Writing

Engaging children and encouraging them to write has become a very important aspect in helping children to develop creativity in story making/telling, nurturing a reading culture and also leaving them informed on the different topics and events taking place at home and around the world.
The pupils are required to write news articles every week about home, school, country, foreign countries and sports. They are urged to read newspapers, summarize some of the information they have read and report them like it was their own news story.
Creative writing pushes children to explore and fully develop ideas. It also allows comprehension, text organization and sentence structures to be taught in an exciting and meaningful way for the children.


Handwriting and Reading

Handwriting and reading are some of the basic skills one must have, to attain a better education. A lot of emphasis is put on these two at HJS. The school adopted print as the style of writing and the children are trained to print using Bic ball point pens and pencils in infant section. As a school policy, pupils begin using Bic ball point pens in P.4 onwards.
The Reading culture is developed by ensuring that each child reads a book (novel) of his/her level in a week and summarizes what he/she has read. The summary may be written down or be presented to the class or at the school assembly.
Pupils of primary one and two who cannot write summaries are encouraged to draw pictures of the most interesting part of what they have read.
In principle, knowledge is acquired through the ability to read.


Art and Crafts

The teachers harness the local environment and use the available materials to engage the children in ba**, rope making, making ornaments like necklaces, modelling, drawing, painting and many more


Day Care

Day care is a special program to cater for children between one and three years whose parents are not able to stay with them before mid-day. These are collected in the afternoon (i.e., from 12:00pm-1:00pm). Under day-care we do not offer academic work but entertainment and social skills. These include:
1. Speech practice that includes: storytelling, rhymes, poems, riddles, conversations, news telling and impromptu speeches
2. Sports activities like: field events, outside games like, swinging, sliding and sand play
3. Modelling using clay and paper
4. Video watching where children watch only edited, educative and entertaining movies for their age
5. Paper work which involves: drawing, coloring, cutting and pasting
6. Open dancing, which is done once a week using already recorded music

The above special activities take place after children have had their nap and refreshment. They are normally served with watermelon, bananas, juice and eggs plus other fresh fruits available. Please take advantage of the day care facility to ease your very busy schedule.


Games and Sports

The school offers a complete curriculum whereby games and sports play an important part. Each class timetable has periods for physical education and games.
Different games are trained and competed in within the school. The school sports section has facilities to ensure that a variety of games are played. These include football, table tennis, volleyball, netball, athletics to mention but a few.
Children's participation in sports at an early age works to develop their physique, cognitive skills, social relationships thus identifying and tapping into the different talents these children may have.